Friday, 14 October 2011

diamond mining

The following countries have active diamond mines, Africa-Angola,Botswana,Congo,
Lesotho,Namibia,Sierra Leone,South Africa,Tanzania,Zimbabwe. Australia-East Kimberley.Borneo-Cempaka.Canada-North West Territories .India-Madhya Pradesh.Russia-Siberia.

There are five different types of diamond mines-
1. Artisanal Mining
2. Hard Rock Mining
3. Marine Mining
4. Open Pit Mining
5. Placer Mining

1.Artisanal Mining  consists of nothing more that digging and sifting through gravel river-bank alluvial deposits or mud using things such as  the diggers bare hands, shovels, or large conical sieves. People who work in artisanal diamond mines are nicknamed diamond diggers. Artisanal diamond mining is a form of  non-mechanized mining. Non mechanized means it does no use any machines in the process of mining the diamonds.

2.Hard Rock Mining is using a variety of different techniques that are used to mine by tunneling underground and creating stopes underground which are supported by timber pillars. To access this involves a decline. A decline is a spiral tunnel which circles the sides around the deposit  or access it through a shaft, which is a vertical tunnel used to transport mined goods.

3.Marine Mining is mining diamonds off shore in placer deposits.Vertical and horizontal techniques are used to extract diamonds at the maximun depth of five hundred feet.Vertical marine mining is when a six to seven meter diameter drill is used to cut into the seabed and vaccum the materials from the seabed.Horizontal mining uses seabed crawlers to move across the seabed pumping the materials into an offshore vessel.On board the vessel the materials are separated and classified into three groups relative to size.

4. Open Pit Mining is a method of mining minerals and rocks from the earth by using a machine extracted burrow.Open pit mining is used when material on the surface is covering valuable materials are stuck in structually unstable earth.

5. Placer Mining is used for extracting diamonds and minerals from alluvial ,eluvial and or secondary deposits, and is a  form of open-cast mining that is used to extract minerals from the surface of the earth without the use of tunneling. Mining is accomplished using hydraulic mining ,mechanized surface excavating equipment, or hand digging.The extracted materials are then catagorised into various catagories.

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